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Dr. Jose Odilon Aranton: Dreaming big for a healthier future

Dr. Jose Odilon Aranton

Dreaming big for a

healthier future


LIKE most dentists, all he wanted was to look after people’s oral health, because neglecting it could lead to serious trouble.

“Our mouth is the dirtiest partof the body,” says Dr. Jose Odilon‘Odi’ Aranton. It is where sore throat, stomatitis, gingivitis, tonsilitis, periodontitis, alveolitis, bronchitis and other diseases start.

Stopping these diseases on its tracks brought out Dr. Odi’s strong Good Samaritan ways. He was doing his share for his fellowmen. He felt happy.

Little did he know that fate had bigger plans for this CEU (Centro Escolar University) alumnus.

“You may or may not believe me,” the Bible-loving dentist begins as a way of telling you the story of what changed his life forever is that extraordinary.

One night in 1998, the formula for what he would name Oracur, appeared in his dream. Even the raw materials (garlic, peppermint, etc.) to manufacture the oral care product flashed in front of him.

Oracur inventor Dr. Jose Odillon Aranton with friend Glenda Cabio
Oracur inventor Dr. Jose Odillon Aranton with friend Glenda Cabio

When he woke up, Dr. Odi realized how blessed he was. He knew he just received a gift from God so he can serve others more. Otherwise, why would he, a nonchemist, see that formula flash before his eyes? Besides, he didn’t know a thing about marketing small consumable items like Oracur. Back then, Dr. Odi was into big dental supplies. He marketed equipment like dental chairs and materials from the US, Canada and Finland under DPSI Dentsply, from 1991 to 1994.

Dr. Odi went down on his knees, the way he would in moments of doubt. He reached out to his sister-in-law, a pharmacist for a big company in Marikina. She helped him apply the formula and look for glass ware to contain the product.

He focused on research and development and became the only Filipino inventor who came up with a product which fights fistula, gingivitis, periodontitis, alveolitis, stomatitis, pulpitis, toothache, cough, sore throat, bronchitis, Covid-19 and even oral cancer.

At first, Dr. Odi gave product samples to fellow dentists, who found out how effective they were, not only on themselves, but on their patients. Soon, the free sample requests became too many. Dr. Odi put his foot down.

He asked his colleagues, “How can I pay for the medicine if you don’t pay me?”

From left GMA 8's Ronald Lim and Rogelito Lasco, Francisco Wong (President of Handyware Philippines) Baby F. Go, Allen Dizon and Dr. Aranton
From left GMA 8's Ronald Lim and Rogelito Lasco, Francisco Wong (President of Handyware Philippines) Baby F. Go, Allen Dizon and Dr. Aranton

He leveraged on his training under Harvard professor Luke Chin, whom he fondly calls Daddy Ching, to promote Oracur in dental conventions. Word about the product spread like wildfire nationwide.

Certified naturopathic practitioner Melchor Rito of the wellness group Green Life Center for Alternative Medicine Inc. and Dentist II Mary Jean Bautista of the Marikina Municipal Health
Office conducted clinical trials and Oracur passed the test. Forty four Covid-19 patients in a nearby hotel took it and were cured.

The Provincial Health Office of Batangas City conducted clinical trials on Oracur. Dr. Dionisio Burog, provincial oral health program coordinator, certified that the product brought instant relief from cough, sore throat and bronchitis on patients.

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